Saturday, January 26, 2008

Stetson and cousin Remington.

Naked Baby!

Stetson and Uncle Cody.
Oops, I don't know how to work this very well! : )
Mom found Stetson and dad asleep after Mom had been up all night.

Stetson's one week birthday!

Aunt Jesse and cousin Austin with Stetson when he was only 2 days old.
Stetson with great Grammy.
Stetson and his Grandma Cindy.
Our Little Buckaroo.
What a cute baby.


Elise said...

Yay! I'm so glad you were able to put up more cute pictures. We love them. I'm glad you are having so much fun with your little buckaroo. He has such a sweet face. I love the naked pictures and the ones with the cowboy hat. I also like the one where Cody is holding him. It just looks like Stetson is giving him a hug. It is so much fun to have a new sweet spirit in your home, isn't it? Hope everything is going great. Keep those pictures comin!

Rachel said...

Kelsee! This is Rachel from the 12th ward, I don't know if you remember me. I found your blog through Jordon's, it's so cute! Congrats on the baby, I love his name! You can view my blog by clicking on my google profile. I hope we can stay in touch!