Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stetson's Baby Blessing

Here are some of the pictures we got of Stetson in his blessing romper.
We got them taken at Sears and I bought the copyrights to them.This is my
favorite one of him, I'm holding him because he was getting fussy and was ready to eat.
This is his blessing blanket that Grammy made him, it is so beautiful.

This one is Grandma Neecie's favorite, look at those little piggies!

The blessing went well and Levi gave Stetson a beautiful blessing.

I love my two boys!

1 comment:

doni said...

Hey, this is Elise's sister DoniLyn. I found something I thought you might be interested in. We like the Amish Friendship Bread, but I have more than I know what to do with. If you go to there is a recipe for the start, tips on freezing it instead of giving it away, and other recipes for using the start. I thought you and your mom would be interested in trying other recipes, too. Let me know what you think. Now that I have gone on for way to long I should tell you that I think you little guy is so cute. I want to see him "riding the bull." That is funny!